
We find companies storing documents with a Cloud storage provider to satisfy immediate basic requirements primarily around the following:

  1. Backups
  2. Access documents from multiple devices
  3. Share a folder with colleagues
  4. Search

There are some crossover features between Document Management and Cloud Storage systems some micro-organizations may stick to using Cloud Storage but ultimately SME companies that started using Cloud Storage providers ultimately realize the shortfalls and move to a Document Management system for the following reasons:

  1. Compliance
  2. Quick Search on large data sets (3 Seconds)
  3. Integration
  4. Workflow
  5. Security
  6. Retention
  7. Portals (External Client Access)
  8. Customized capabilities

In conclusion Cloud Storage plays an important role but practically is a filing cabinet whereby Document Management diversifies into preserving content through its lifecycle providing multiple options in managing the creation, access, distribution, and retention for the organisation.

Written by: Yoav Kissos