
Remote working is an opportunity for businesses to change their way of working sustainably and reaping the benefits over the medium to long term. Think of less office space less commuting, fewer business trips, shorter breaks, and greater focus for employees. Market feedback seems to indicate that remote workers are also less unlikely to take short absences due to illness. Remote working on a larger scale also offers companies the flexibility to deal with unexpected events in the future, such as the COVID-19 crisis.

Remote working is here to stay and will more than ever become an integral part of the way we work. Now is the time for companies to prepare for this ‘back to the new normal’.

In the past, working remotely has been a privilege, not a reasonable alternative. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic suddenly a range of new working behaviours has been made possible. Some of these behaviours will not work for everyone, and some will work for nobody. But many will work well for both employees and businesses. These surely deserve to survive.

Of course, the office will not disappear — nor should it. People are social by nature. Many enjoy the office environment, and some need it. Human contact cannot be totally replaced by screens. It is also easier to work from home now precisely because of our pre-existing relationships formed from working in person. These must continue to be built. The challenge going forward is to maintain these relationships and keep the company ethos and spirit intact.

Papertrail has numerous solutions to assist with remote and office-based solutions including:

“…there is no easier, quicker and cheaper way to reduce your carbon footprint than by reducing commuter travel.”


Employees around the globe are not at their desk 50% to 60% of the time!

That is a huge waste of space and money.


Written by: Jeremy Young
Cape Town Branch Manager at Egis Software

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